
Cx programmer chinese
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The mountainous field was subdivided into 12 separate yards. After 21 d, the indigenous genotypes of NC, FC, XC, and LC were raised in a mountainous field (about 2 000 m 2) where there were a variety of weeds and seedlings and vegetation, and the daylight and winds were considered to be sufficient for breeding. Therefore, the indigenous chickens were raised before the commercial chickens to achieve the same final processed days, namely the commercially available days. The indigenous chickens of NC, FC, XC, and LC are slow-growing genotypes, while the broiler breed of AAB belongs to a fast-growing genotype.

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(Ningbo, Zhejiang, China), and 450 1-d male chicks of NC, FC, XC, LC, and AAB were randomly distributed into pens in a conventional indoor facility. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the meat quality traits of male indigenous chicken genotypes of NC, FC, XC, and LC to each other, and also with those of the male broiler stock of AAB at their respective market ages.Īll birds of the five genotypes of NC, FC, XC, LC, and AAB were hatched at the hatchery of Ningbo Zhenning Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. However, the meat quality differences of indigenous chicken breeds in Zhejiang and AAB have not been reported. The meat quality traits of indigenous chickens and broilers have been widely researched in literature (Fanatico et al., 2007 Lu et al., 2007 Tang et al., 2009 Sirri et al., 2010 2011). Chinese consumers often prefer indigenous chicken breeds over commercial breeds due to their meat qualities (Sheng et al., 2013). Meat quality traits of poultry include chemical (proteins, total lipids, etc.) and physical traits (pH, color, water holding capacity, texture, sarcomere length, etc.) (Petracci and Baeza, 2011). Specially, genetics is one of the most important factors. There are many factors that affect meat quality, such as genetics, nutrition, environment, and additives. However, it may has the negative influence on the sensory and functional qualities of meat due to the fast growth and high yield (Dransfield and Sosnicki, 1999), pushing muscle fibers to their maximum functional size constraints (MacRae et al., 2006). It is one of the typically fast-growing broiler breed. Nowadays, AAB is largely raised by Chinese poultry breeding companies, and has become the main meat chicken in Chinese markets.


The Arbor Acres plus broiler (AAB) stock is imported from the American Arbor Acres Poultry Breeding Co., Ltd. The Zhenning loquat chicken (LC) breed is produced in the hometown of Ninghai, and due to its appearance, it looks like the white loquat, so it is named the loquat chicken. The Ninghai xiang chicken (XC) breed was introduced through the Qiandongnan xiaoxiang chicken (one high-quality indigenous chicken in Guizhou Province, China) and is stocked in the Chinese bayberry forest at an elevation above 500 m, commonly known as the “bayberry chicken”.

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The first frizzle mutants appeared in the Pacific Rim in the 1500s and were used as both layer and meat birds. The frizzle chicken (FC) breed is bred in Ningbo Zhenning Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., due to a genetic mutation which causes the feathers to curl up. It was bred successfully by Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) and Ningbo Zhenning Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. The breed of Ninghai chicken (NC), one of the indigenous chicken genotypes with high meat quality (Li et al., 2009), is the cross between a Ninghai indigenous chicken breed and one Chinese broiler stock. In recent years, a large number of indigenous chicken breeds are bred in Ningbo (Zhejiang, China). In China, indigenous chickens are the main chickens that are marketed live, making up 20% of the poultry market, and the indigenous chicken market is rapidly developing by a rate of 5% to 10% per year (Tang et al., 2009). In conclusion, there were significant differences in the meat quality traits of the bird breeds selected in this study, and the indigenous chickens, especially the NC genotype, produced better quality meat as far as the IMP content, fiber diameters, and shear forces were concerned. Significant differences of pH, color values of L* and a*, and drip loss for the five genotypes of birds were also observed.

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The indigenous chickens from FC displayed the highest total lipid content in the five bird genotypes ( P<0.05). Indigenous chickens of NC, FC, XC, and LC showed significantly higher inosine-5′-monophosphate (IMP) content, shorter fiber diameter, and lower shear force than those of AAB ( P0.05). The indigenous chickens were raised before the commercial chickens in order to achieve the same final processed days. Meat quality traits of four genotypes of Chinese indigenous chicken and one genotype of commercial broiler were analyzed.

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